Howto use program: just enter the expression, the variables and their values, and finally, press ''=''.

In expression you can use the usual operators, such as ''+'', ''-'', ''*'', ''/'', and ''^'' - involution, ''%'' - modulo, ''!'' - factorial.

Also part of expression may be in parentheses to change priority operations.

In expression you may use constants:

$pi - number Pi (3.14159...)

$e - number e (2.71828...)

It is possible to save the function and used variables for subsequent calculations.

When you enter numbers, you can use the E notation, for example, 1.3e5 i.e. 130000.

Value of the trigonometric functions depends on the position of the switch:

DEG - degrees

RAD - radians

GRAD - gradians


List of supported functions

Trigonometric functions

sin(x) - sine of x

cos(x) - cosine of x

tg(x) - tangent of x

tan(x) - also tangent of x

ctg(x) - cotanget of x

cot(x) - also cotanget of x

sec(x) - secant of x

cosec(x) - cosecant of x

csc(x) - also cosecant of x

arcsin(x) - arcsine of x

arccos(x) - arccosine of x

arctg(x) - arctangent of x

arctan(x) - also arctangent of x

arcctg(x) - arccotangent of x

arccot(x) - also arccotangent of x

arcsec(x) - arcsecant of x

arccosec(x) - arccosecant of x

arccsc(x) - also arccosecant of x

Hyperbolic function

sinh(x) - hiperbolic sine of x

sh(x) - also hiperbolic sine of x

cosh(x) - hiperbolic cosine of x

ch(x) - also hiperbolic cosine of x

tanh(x) - hiperbolic tangents of x

th(x) - also hiperbolic tangents of x

coth(x) - hiperbolic cotangent of x

cth(x) - also hiperbolic cotangent of x

sech(x) - hiperbolic secant of x

cosech(x) - hiperbolic cosecant of x

csch(x) - also hiperbolic cosecant of x

arsh(x) - inverse hiperbolic sine of x

arch(x) - inverse hiperbolic cosine of x

arth(x) - inverse hiperbolic tangent of x

arcth(x) - inverse hiperbolic cotangent of x

arsch1(x) - inverse hiperbolic secant of x (with plus sign)

arsch2(x) - inverse hiperbolic secant of x (with minus sign)

arcsch(x) - inverse hiperbolic cosecant of x

Other functions

abs(x) - absolute value of x

lg(x) - common logarithm of x

log10(x) - also common logarithm of x

ln(x) - natural logarithm of x

log2(x) - binary logarithm of x

log(b, x) - logarithm of x to base b

exp(x) - exponential function of x

sqrt(x) - square root of x

cbrt(x) - cube root of x

round(x) - rounded value of x

rand(x) - random value from 0 to x

pow(x, y) - x raised to power y, y maybe less then 1, for example, pow(8, 1/3) - cube root of 8

